Illuminations began as a 12-page bi-annual folded newsletter that is mailed to donors and special friends of The Franklin Institute.
The Challenge: I had worked on the Illuminations Newsletter project for a number of issues and as time went on I felt it needed an upgrade, especially for the audience it goes out to. I proactively presented this new idea to company stakeholders to turn Illuminations into a magazine.
The Solution: I single-handedly led my Development team colleagues to turn this newsletter into a "living" piece. Instead of leaving donors and friends of the institute with old news every 6 months.
Client Testimonial:
Step 1: Building the content — I worked with my colleagues in the Development team to come up with not only rich articles with new information, but also in-house advertisements and calls to action throughout.
Step 2: Learning Adobe In-Copy — Adobe In-Copy is a word processing program with the unique ability to share that live text with a designer who can design with the copy while the text is being edited. I taught myself how to use In-Copy and then trained my colleagues how to use it. This allowed us to stay on time with our deadlines since we could both work at the same time.